
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Used memory sticks being sold online contains sensitive Government data

Selling an used memory sticks often pose an information security risk- We might be thinking that we completely erased the data from it, but it is possible to recover the files that are not properly deleted with the help of some tools.
A recent study found that "old memory sticks" being sold online contain sensitive Australian Government data.

The research paper which is to be presented at a cyber security conference in Perth reveals how researchers discovered the confidential Government data while they are researching the used memory sticks, The Australian news reports.

The study found that sellers are sending memory cards without properly erasing the data. The recovered data not only contains a personal info but also appears to be information belong to Australian government.

"It is evident that actions must be taken by second hand auction sites, and the media to raise awareness and educate end-users on how to dispose of data in an appropriate manner," the study says.


Private cloud computing enables you to consolidate diverse enterprise systems into one that is cloud-based and can be accessed by end-users seamlessly, regardless of their location or changes in overall demand. Expert authors Steve Smoot and Nam K. Tan distill their years of networking experience to describe how to build enterprise networks to create a private cloud. With their techniques you'll create cost-saving designs and increase the flexibility of your enterprise, while maintaining the security and control of an internal network. Private Cloud Computing offers a complete cloud architecture for enterprise networking by synthesizing WAN optimization, next-generation data centers, and virtualization in a network-friendly way, tying them together into a complete solution that can be progressively migrated to as time and resources permit.

Describes next-generation data center architectures such as the virtual access-layer, the unified data center fabric and the "rack-and-roll" deployment model
Provides an overview of cloud security and cloud management from the server virtualization perspective
Presents real-world case studies, configuration and examples that allow you to easily apply practical know-how to your existing enterprise environment
Offers effective private cloud computing solutions to simplify the costly and problematic challenge of enterprise networking and branch server consolidation.


Android Phone's Secret Codes to Check Details !

Hey friends see here some of the tricks on your Android Operating System/ android OS cellphone.
Please note: Some codes mentioned here can be dangerous.

*#*#4636#*#* - Phone / Battery / USage information
*#*#7780#*#* - factory data reset
*2767*3855# - factory format
*#*#34971539#*#* - information about phone camera
*#*#7594#*#* - End Call / Power
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* - File copy / backup
*#*#197328640#*#* - Service mode.

WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:

*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#* - WLAN test (Use "Menu" button to start various tests)
*#*#232338#*#* - Shows WiFi MAC address
*#*#1472365#*#* - GPS test
*#*#1575#*#* - Another GPS test
*#*#232331#*#* - Bluetooth test
*#*#232337#*# - Shows Bluetooth device address
*#*#8255#*#* - This code can be used to launch GTalk Service Monitor.


*#*#4986*2650468#*#* - PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate
*#*#1234#*#* - PDA and Phone
*#*#1111#*#* - FTA SW Version
*#*#2222#*#* - FTA HW Version
*#*#44336#*#* - PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number


*#*#0283#*#* - Packet Loopback
*#*#0*#*#* - LCD test
*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* - Melody test
*#*#0842#*#* - Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)
*#*#2663#*#* - Touch screen version
*#*#2664#*#* - Touch screen test
*#*#0588#*#* - Proximity sensor test
*#*#3264#*#* - RAM version
Have fun with these secrets codes .....:)
Stay tune for next tutorial on Android OS rooting and Binding android and Ubuntu (Linux) Together


The necessary handbook for the 21st century.

--Lewis Shepherd, Chief Tech Officer and Senior Fellow, Microsoft Institute for Advanced Technology in Governments

"A must-read for policy makers and leaders who need to understand the big-picture landscape of cyber war."

--Jim Stogdill, CTO, Mission Services Accenture

You may have heard about "cyber warfare" in the news, but do you really know what it is? This book provides fascinating and disturbing details on how nations, groups, and individuals throughout the world are using the Internet as an attack platform to gain military, political, and economic advantages over their adversaries. You'll learn how sophisticated hackers working on behalf of states or organized crime patiently play a high-stakes game that could target anyone, regardless of affiliation or nationality.

Inside Cyber Warfare goes beyond the headlines of attention-grabbing DDoS attacks and takes a deep look inside multiple cyber-conflicts that occurred from 2002 through summer 2009.

Learn how cyber attacks are waged in open conflicts, including recent hostilities between Russia and Georgia, and Israel and Palestine
Discover why Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, Vkontakte, and other sites on the social web are mined by the intelligence services of many nations
Read about China's commitment to penetrate the networks of its technologically superior adversaries as a matter of national survival
Find out why many attacks originate from servers in the United States, and who's responsible
Learn how hackers are "weaponizing" malware to attack vulnerabilities at the application level


Get Free Credits for SMS Global (SMS SPOOFING) !

I will tell you a Trick How to increase Crack credits Of Sms Global,Worlds Best Sms spoofing Website

SO just follow these intructions & you will GEt 125 Free Credits.

1) For this go to a website which help you click here
Register yourself on SMSglobal but before register, The Trick lies Here: go to link for Sign Up

SMSglobal allow only 25 instant credits for free user means you only send 25 SMS but i will tell you a trick by which you will gain 125 credits means 125 free SMS for send globally. When you fill the registration foam,you see a blank space for PROMO CODE here you write the "WPRESS " like given below...

You only fill the:-

1: Username
2: Account type---> Personal
3: Complete Contact Information:: Please write right Mobile Number because Website send you password of the account.Do not add personal address.
4: Write Promo Code "WPRESS".Accept terms and condition and fill Verification Code.
You will get 125 free SMS for send Globally by any Number.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to Install Skype on Ubuntu Linux !

Many People feel unsecured while chatting on Skype in windows platform due to the FUD (Fully Undetectable Viruses) threat. Hence today in this tutorial i will tell you how you can run Skype in Linux Platform which is almost 98% secure from RAT and other malicious viruses.

Here we Have two methods of installing Skype in Ubuntu Linux

1. Through Ubuntu Software Center
2. Manual Method

Skype Through Ubuntu Software Center
For this just go to Ubuntu Software Center and in search type Skype , Ubuntu 11.10 Support Skype 2.0 Version for Linux. Click on install and in few minutes you are ready to use the Skype.

Installing Skype Through Manual MethodThis is the easiest method to install from the command line. There are three commands that you must use to install Skype correctly.

Open your terminal and copy paste this commands 

sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui
wget -c -O /tmp/skype.deb

sudo dpkg -i /tmp/skype.deb

Now you can see the Skype on your menu bar and you are ready to use Skype no need to worry about RAT and other trojan.

Google to Businesses: Don't Use Google+ (Yet) !

Twitter isn't just about tweeting what you had for lunch, and there's more to Facebook than 'poking' your friends and growing your farm. If you're a business owner, social networking is a great tool for promoting your brand, and at some point, Google+ will join the fray. For the time being, however, Google is asking businesses, universities, and other organizations not to bother with its social networking service.
"Right now we're very much focused on optimizing for the consumer experience, but we have a great team of engineers building a similarly optimized business experience for Google+," Christian Oestlien, product manager for Google+, said in a YouTube video. "We are very excited about it and we hope to roll it out later this year."
Oestlien said the business version will include things like rich analytics and the ability to connect a business profile to other parts of Google, such as AdWords.
"We will be doing some testing," Oestlien said. "We're going to take a small group of brands, businesses, and other entities and create profiles for them and see how users interact with them via circles, through the stream, and even how they communicate through hangouts."
In the meantime, Oestlien asked businesses to refrain from creating consumer accounts, warning that Google+'s policy team will actively work with profile owners to shut down non-user profiles.